Fall 2020
We publish Bowdoin Magazine three times a year and send it free of charge to all Bowdoin alumni, parents of current and recent undergraduates, members of the senior class, faculty and staff, and members of the Association of Bowdoin Friends.
Inside the Fall 2020 issue:
Willie Horton and Me, Again
Professor Anthony Walton revisits an essay he wrote in 1989 to reflect on being a Black man in America then, and now.
Against the quiet natural backdrop of Malaga Island and a startling dark period in Maine's history, Surya Milner '19 searched to understand her own place in Brunswick, Maine, and beyond.
Bowdoin faculty have responded simultaneously to two historic challenges.
- On the Cover: Daniel Minter's cover art explained.
- Respond: Letters from our readers.
- Hope the Hard Way: DeRay Mckesson '07 on the work ahead.
- Ingredients for Success: Bowdoin dining maintains the magic.
- More Than a Meme: Frank Chi '07 remembers Jusice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the "Notorious RBG."
- Jubiliee: Nightshift Brewing cofounders Michael Oxton ’07 and Rob Burns ’07 and artist Lyne Lucien ’13 collaborate, by coincidence, on a beer celebrating racial justice.
- Beyond the Gates: Alumni Relations is partnering with offices across campus to bring a wide variety of regular virtual offerings to alumni and families.
- A Look Into the Middle Ages: Although the museum is closed to visitors for now, the medieval world is open for discovery.
- Powerful and Personal: A new podcast from Alvin Hall ’74.
- A Force of Change: Bill de la Rosa ’16 on the influence of John Lewis
- Danny Mejia ’17 sets a record on the Appalachian Trail.
- Meghan Cox Gurdon ’86 on the power of reading aloud.
- Janelle Charles ’06 practices the common good.
- Dine: A sweet autumn recipe from cookbook author Lei Shishak ’97.
- Chryl Laird, associate professor of government, talks about her research on the unity of Black voters.